2. The Association shall be known as the: Marco Island Tenants & Residents Association
  1. The Association TRA will cover the area of: Marco Island, Huntingdon Street, Nottingham.

The aims and objectives of the Association shall be:

  1. To represent and to promote the interests of all residents living in our area.
  2. To seek to improve conditions for residents in the area.
  3. To work in partnership with the council and other agencies to achieve our aims.
  4. To represent the interests of residents in consultation with the local authority and other bodies.
  5. The Association shall be non-party political and non-sectarian.
  • The Association shall be not for profit.
  2. Membership of the Association shall be open to all residents living in the Marco Island area.
  3. The Association will challenge any remarks or behaviour at meetings that cause offence and make people feel unwelcome.
  4. The Association will take positive action to reach those people that are under-represented at meetings and events and will ensure that all members have the opportunity to be involved in the Association and its events.
  5. All members shall have voting rights on all issues raised at general meetings that they attend.
  6. Each eligible person shall on request be supplied with a copy of the constitution.
  7. It shall be a condition of membership that members at all times conduct themselves in a reasonable manner at meetings or in premises used by the Association.
  8. Any members may be excluded for a breach of this condition or for any other conduct contravening the objectives of the Association, by a majority of those present and voting at any general meeting. Any member so excluded shall have the right of appeal to the following general meeting.
  1. The Association will be run by a Management Committee elected at the Annual General Meeting. The Committee will be made up of Officers, including a Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and Ordinary members. It could also include a Vice chair.
  2. The committee will provide an update to the residents of the area twice a year on their work and how it will positively encourage participation from all sections of the community. This could be in the form of newsletters.
  3. There will be a minimum of 1 committee meetings held during the course of the Association’s year; one of which can include the Annual General Meeting
  4. Seven days notice of committee meetings will be given to all members of the committee.
  5. The quorum for committee meetings shall be a minimum of 4 members
  6. Where a casual vacancy (or vacancies) arises on the committee, it/they will be filled by election at the next General Meeting of the Association.
  7. The committee shall deal with any issues of management of the Association which require decision during the periods between general Meetings of the Association, and report these to the next General Meeting.
  8. Committee members who miss more than three consecutive meetings without giving reasonable apologies will be asked to resign their post.
  9. A member of the committee may be removed or suspended from their post if they bring the good name of the Association into disrepute. A full meeting of the committee will be called to consider evidence from all sides and a majority vote will be necessary to remove or suspend.
  1. An Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Association shall be held once a year (within 13 months of the last AGM). Written notice of the meeting must be sent at least fourteen days in advance to every household and members should be made aware that they will have the opportunity to make nominations for election or stand for election themselves and to vote for the officers and committee at the meeting. Housing Officers must be invited to the AGM.

The quorum for the AGM should be a minimum of 10.

At the meeting:

  • The minutes of the previous AGM will be presented and approved.
  • The existing committee will present a report of the Association’s activities in the past year.
  • Audited accounts for the year will be presented.
  • The existing committee will stand down.
  • The officers and committee for the next year will be elected
  • Any proposals to amend the constitution must be presented to the Secretary in writing at least 21 days prior to the meeting at which they are to be considered
  • Proposals to amend the constitution must be circulated to all members of the Association with the notice of the meeting.


Nominations for officers and committee members will be accepted only if the person nominated is present at the Annual General Meeting or has put in writing that they want to stand.  If there is nobody willing to stand, the committee will decide whether to start procedures to close the Association down. Alternatively the committee can continue in office to try and redevelop the Association for up to six months. It is the responsibility of the committee to recruit a new committee or formally dissolve the Association within that period.

  1. The business of the Association shall be conducted at General Meetings, which shall be open to all residents over 18 living in the area.
  2. The Association will hold a minimum of 4 General Meeting per year one of which could include the AGM.
  3. The Association must publicise general meetings and public events to all households in the Association’s area in order to involve all members and hear their views. All members of the Association will be entitled to attend General Meetings, to speak and to vote.  Councillors, Housing Officers, and Technical staff shall be available where possible to attend each meeting.
  4. Seven days notice of General Meetings will be given in writing to all members.

A quorum for general meetings will be a minimum of 6. This number of members will need to be present to take a decision on behalf of the Association. The quorum for the AGM should be a minimum of 6.

NB it is recognised that Associations vary in size and therefore as a guideline

an Association with between 51 and 100 members should aim for a quorum of 8 members and Associations with more than 100 members should aim for a quorum of 10.

  1. All matters for decision will be decided by a simple majority of those over 18 present and voting.
  2. No member shall have more than one vote.
  3. Minutes or notes must be kept of all meetings of the Association. The minutes will be presented to the next meeting to be approved. The minutes should be made available to any member of the Association on request and main points should be publicised, and a copy sent to the Housing Officer for the area at the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham.
  4. All members of the Association will abide by a Code of Conduct and be expected to treat each other with respect and act in a courteous manner at Association events. The Chair may ask members to leave if their behaviour is disruptive or offensive.
  6. Special General Meetings may be called at any time for the purpose of altering the constitution or for considering any matter which needs the immediate attention of all members.
  7. Special General Meetings shall be called either at the written request of at least 6 members of the Association, or if the General Meeting decides by a simple majority that it is necessary or advisable.
  8. At least 14 days notice of any Special General Meeting will be given to members in writing, stating the reason(s) for holding the meeting.
  9. All matters for decision will be decided by a simple majority of those present and voting.
  2. Grants are available for the running of the Association. The grant application criteria must be complied with.
  3. All money raised by or on behalf of the Association shall be applied to cover the running costs of the Association and the achievement of the objectives of the Association and for no other purpose.
  4. The Treasurer shall keep proper account of the finances of the Association and shall open a bank/building society account in the name of the Association and keep copies of all relevant invoices and receipts to support expenditure and income.
  5. The committee will nominate at least 3 people who can sign cheques. These people must not live in the same household, or be close family members. If these committee members stand down they are responsible for transferring responsibility for the TRA bank account to the new committee members.
  6. The accounts comprising a detailed income and expenditure account by type of income/cost and a balance sheet shall be independently audited at least once per year. The audited accounts shall be presented to the Annual General Meeting and copies sent to London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham.
  7. The committee are responsible for the proper use of money raised through grants according to the guidelines issued by the funding body. The Treasurer should keep receipts for all money paid out in expenses to committee members for duties carried out on behalf of the group.
  9. Any proposals to amend the constitution must be presented to the secretary in writing at least 21 days prior to the meeting at which they are to be considered.
  10. Proposals to amend the constitution must be circulated to all members of the Association with the notice of the meeting.

If the General meeting decides at any time by a simple majority that it is necessary or advisable to dissolve the Association, the officers shall call a meeting of all members, giving at least 14 days’ notice in writing and stating the terms of the dissolution resolution to be proposed at the meeting. A resolution to dissolve the Association shall be agreed by a majority of those present and voting. All outstanding bills will be paid and the balance of any grants and funds held by the Association will be held in trust by the council for future TRAs.

By signing this model constitution you confirm that your Association will abide by the standards that are defined in the model constitution and recognition criteria.

Signed:          ………………………………………………………………………….

TRA position: …………………………………………………………………………

Date:              ………………………………………………………………………….                  

Signed:          ………………………………………………………………………….

TRA position: …………………………………………………………………………

Date:              ………………………………………………………………………….                  

Signed:          ………………………………………………………………………….

TRA position: …………………………………………………………………………

Date:              ………………………………………………………………………….                  

Signed:          ………………………………………………………………………….

TRA position: …………………………………………………………………………

Date:              ………………………………………………………………………….                  

Appendix 2

TRA Constitution Criteria

  1. The aims and objectives of the association shall be :
  2. To represent and to promote the interests of all residents living in our area.
  1. To seek to improve conditions for the residents of the area.
  2. To work in partnership with the council and other agencies to achieve our aims.
  3. To represent the interests of residents in consultation with the local authority and other bodies.
  4. The association shall be non-party political and non-sectarian.
  5. Have a membership that is clearly open to all residents and reflects the

      community in the area that is covered.

  1. Hold at least 4 committee meetings and 4 open meetings per year one of which can include the annual general meeting (AGM). Minutes should be taken at all of these meetings.
  2. Hold an AGM with at least 14 days’ notice to all members.
  3. The quorum for (i) committee meetings will be a minimum of 4 members and (ii) AGM and general meetings will be a minimum of 6.
  4. Hold annual elections for committee members and ensure that the council is notified of the date of this Annual General Meeting and then sent a copy of the minutes after the meeting and informed of any committee member changes.
  5. The Association will be run by a management committee elected at the Annual General Meeting. The Committee will be made up of officers, including a Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and Ordinary members. It could also include a Vice chair. This committee will be responsible for the proper handling of finance and present audited financial records at the Annual General Meeting, and supply a copy to the London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham.
  6. Provide an Annual Report at the Annual General Meeting on how the group has met its objectives and present a copy of the audited annual accounts for the last twelve month period.
  7. The committee will provide an update to the residents of the area twice per year on their work and how it will positively encourage participation from sections of the community. This could be in the form of a newsletter. TRAs can request assistance from the area housing teams to print flyers and newsletters.
  8. The Committee should ensure that members behave courteously and should challenge offensive or disruptive behaviour from members.
  9. If the General Meeting decides at any time by a simple majority that it is necessary or advisable to dissolve the Association, the officers shall call a meeting of all members, giving at least 14 days’ notice in writing and stating the terms of the dissolution resolution to be proposed at the meeting.
  10. A resolution to dissolve the Association shall be agreed by a majority of those present and voting. All outstanding bills will be paid and the balance of any grants and funds held by the association will be held in trust by the council for future TRAs.