Household Waste / Recycling
Unlike most apartment blocks that have trash chutes, Marco Island opted for one central ‘bin room’ to optimise available space. The bin room is located just behind the lifts by reception. There are general-waste-bins as well as mixed-recycling-bins. Please ensure you fold down cardboard boxes to save space!
Please note that Marco Island gets fined when household trash is found in the recycling bins due to contamination. This includes recycling put in normal bin liners which are not recyclable.
Bulky Items
Bulky items are not allowed to be put into the bin room without informing the concierge team first! Failure to do so could lead to your landlord getting fined and the landlord will charge you for this.
Bulky items have to be accommodated by the collection number & collection date provided by Nottingham City Council. To receive such a collection number & date please visit There is a small fee for bulky waste collections. You can have up to 5 items collected for one flat fee. Table & 4 chairs would be seen as 1 item, not 5.
If you want to be an awesome resident and you have not used up all 5 items, please add random things such as mattress or wardrobe to your list of items without it increasing your bill and inform the concierge team of this. They can then add said things to the bulky waste collection.