As resident you are free to choose your own utility company for water and electricity. To improve general safety, Marco Island does not offer a gas connection.


Severn Trent Water is the only water supply company for Nottingham. No other options are available.

Your water meter is inside your apartment, usually in the utility room near the water boiler.


As of February 2023, Octopus Energy seems to have the best offers on the market. They have the same price cap as the other companies (so no savings there), but they have slightly lower daily standing charges and have arguably the best smartphone app experience and customer support in the industry. PLUS you can also move onto their Octopus energy tracker once signed up which, if you monitor your energy usage, can save you around 15%. Extra bonus, if you sign up with THIS link you get £50 towards your first bill which is huge given no other energy provider offers registration bonuses currently.

Your utility company will request meter readings from time to time. The electricity meter is located in a locked cabinet accessible from the communal hallway on your floor. The concierge team can let you know where the unit is located for your specific apartment.


The building does not have access to the gas network for health & safety reasons. Electricity is the only method for heating.